June 8, 2021

Are You Ever Home Alone With No Where To Go and You Just Do Your Makeup?

Me: the Mandalorian is on! Also Me: I have to put makeup on!

Where is my mind? Are you ever just home alone, you have no where to go, no one to see, and you’re like, I’m going put on all my makeup! I swear last year I sat in front of the TV with too much highlighter on to watch the Mandalorian. When I ran into the living room in my t-shirt and underwear and made a leap onto the sofa to snuggle next to my boyfriend to watch the latest episode he proceeded to ask, “You look pretty but where are you going?”


I gotta look good for Pedro Pascal.

Pedro likes it when I wear fancy highlighter and my day of the week underwear! He needs to be reminded it’s FriYAY sometimes!

I think I get the most joy out my makeup when I’m not doing it to go out or to work or to a party. It’s more fun when I’m just home with no where to be or no one to see. It’s also when I feel like my best application is done. Like why can’t I ever get that liner flick so perfect in the morning when I’m headed out to work!? It’s because when I’m not not feeling rushed or pressured to put on my best face. I take things a little slower. I’m neater and paying attention to detail a bit more.

Plus, you know, Pedro, shrug…!


Are you ever home alone and just do your makeup?

Just to watch TV or sit around….!

Do you do it better or about the same as you would a daily look?

Do share!


June 8, 2021

I Spent Some of Last Night Reading How People Don’t Feel Good Enough and It Broke My Heart

It’s Tuesday my people! On Tuesday we eat tacos (veggies ones because we’re healthy during the week), we worry about getting through the rest of the week, we celebrate our best friends (because today is National Best Friend Day), and we listen to this Muse babble about how you’re all good enough.

Non-makeup post incoming….! Leave now forever hold your peace if you don’t want me to babble at you!

Last night I lurked through like 500 comments or more of people just feeling lonely, sad, and not good enough. Some were even dealing with death of loved ones. This wasn’t my account it was someone else’s but I sat there crying over all these comments. Literally in tears. I wanted to reach out and just reply to every single one but it became too overwhelming for me to do that. Not to mention the account owner was probably like, “Ummm you’re crashing my comment section here can you leave now?” I had to quit while I was ahead because my heart was breaking into pieces.

I’m probably the biggest hypocrite for replying and trying to lift people up because I struggle with lack of confidence. I always feel not good enough but it’s not an emotion that consumes me. I’ll joke about it and make fun of myself because that comes naturally to me. I have people in my life that get VERY, VERY, VERY upset with me when I do this but it’s a hard habit to break as I’m sure some of you may very well be aware.

Again, this isn’t something that consumes me. I don’t dwell on being not pretty enough, not good enough, not perfect enough….I don’t let that emotion consume me. I just battle with it and I win. It’s sad to think someone out there let’s the emotion take over them to a point they can’t get out of bed or can’t do normal tasks because of it. Not feeling good enough has NEVER stopped me from achieving the things I’ve wanted from life.

You’re all good enough. Look to the people that make you feel good enough for guidance when you can’t find the way yourself. That’s what I do. I mean, some of you have been reading the blog for 10 plus years and you know I’m complete weirdo but I’m here for you if you need me. I have two ears and I listen really well. My dms are always open, my comments are always open, my e-mail…it may take me a moment to reply but you’ll get a reply.

I did a post about mental health last month and I think now more than ever before it’s so important to check in on yourself if you’re feel poorly or bad to a point you can’t find a way out of feeling that way. If it’s too hard get loved ones or people you know for help there are so many other outlets to seek help. Believe me your family and friends want you to lean on them!

Don’t let bad emotions consume you! Always look to the good, to the light…life is too short to spend it being miserable. I’m not saying don’t feel the things you are feeling. I am saying don’t let those things consume you. Work on fixing them and becoming the best version of you. And do that for yourself! Not for others.

Please take of yourself.

I think you’re all brilliant humans.

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